holo Indie
“The Adventure of Ninomae Ina’nis,” a New Title from hololive Derivative Game Brand “holo Indie” Has Been Released
COVER Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Motoaki Tanigo) subsidiary CCMC Corp. (hereinafter “CCMC”) has announced that the game title “ “The Adventure of Ninomae Ina’nis,” released under the hololive derivative game brand “holo Indie,” is now available for purchase.
■ Now Available in Japanese with the Official Release!

The Adventure of Ninomae Ina’nis is a vertical scroll top-down shooter game based on Ninomae Ina’nis’ from hololive English -Myth- and her book she calls “AO-chan.” Initially, the game was only available in English at the time of the store opening, but with the official release, it now supports Japanese.
Story Mode
The Takodachis have suddenly disappeared! In order to save them, we need Ina’nis and AO-chan’s help! The game, which allows a casual mode, follows the truth behind the disappearance of the Takodachis. Saves and restarts are unlimited! You can always come back to your last save point!
Perhaps the difficulty of the final boss may depend on how many Takodachis you save, too…?
Arcade Mode
The Arcade Mode is perfect for those who want to outshine with high scores. This mode presents three new stages, different from the Story Mode, to those up for the challenge.
This mode comes with a score-doubling system that players can use to drastically increasheir scores. The players’ progress is not saved; once your HP hits zero, its game over. Are you ready to face the threats of the unknown within this second loop!?
Compete on the scoreboard!
The scores of the Arcade Mode will be logged on the local scoreboard.
Aim for the glory with the highest score!
Practice with stage selects!
By progressing through each game mode, you will be able to come back to choose a stage to play through “Stage Select.” You can practice each stage with the “Stage Select” option in preparation for the arcade mode!

[Product Information]
Title: The Adventure of Ninomae Ina’nis
Genre: Top-down shooter
Release date: 12 September 2024
Price: 300 yen / 1.99USD
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3143980/The_Adventure_of_Ninomae_Inanis/
Supported Platforms: WindowsPC
Supported Languages: English
Developer: Minimum Wage Media(https://minwagemedia.itch.io/)
Rights Notation: © 2016 COVER Corp. © CCMC Corp.
[About the Developer]
“Minimum Wage Media” at its core is a wish. – To make at least minimum wage making media. Whether that wish is achievable or not doesn’t really matter though as I’m having a lot of fun all the same. I’m a game designer, artist and programmer hooked on making things for the joy of making them.
[Developer’s Comments]
The game has a fun dichotomy between silly and serious that I think really gives it a flavour of its own. I really enjoyed building and testing it and I hope players will have as much fun playing it for themselves. I look forward to players showing me interesting ways to increase scores in Arcade Mode that I wasn’t able to discover on my own. At the time of writing, my own personal best is 1,502,900! The game can be a little tough at times but don’t be discouraged, give it your all! The true final boss is always the developer after all. (laughs)
■「About holo Indie

“holo Indie” is a Derivative Work Games brand to assist hololive production fans and creators to co-develop titles under a Game Creator Support Program. The program provides Derivative Work Game Creators a return ecosystem to support game development, while providing fans opportunity for new Derivative Work Games.
For details on the Gaming brand, please check COVER Corp’s Derivative Works Guidelines.
Derivative Works Guidelines: https://hololivepro.com/en/terms/