CCMC Corporation Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

CCMC Corporation (“Company”) hereby establishes this CCMC Corporation Privacy Policy (“Policy”), which shall set forth how the Company collects the information of users for services that are provided by the Company  (collectively, “Services”), and the personal information of such users, as well as when and how the Company collects and handles such information for certain purposes of use.

Please read this Policy carefully. You will need to agree to this Policy before using the Services.

2. Information that is obtained

The Company may obtain the following information in connection with your use of the Services.

Account information, e-mail addresses, birthdate, login information, information provided by other service vendors (e.g. Google and Apple), information related to purchasing, viewing and using the Services, any content that is communicated with other users (including chat messages), cookies, information related to devices that are used, internet domain names, IP addresses, information to be gathered to improve the Services, information gathered when there are notices in the game and when there are inquiries, and any other information that is necessary to appropriately and smoothly operate the Services.

Note: Information obtained from third-party accounts

If you register or login to the Services using a third-party account, such as X (formerly Twitter) or Google, it is possible that information that is held in that account (including usernames, email addresses, pictures, gender, birthdays, locations, friends, follows, posted content) may be disclosed to the Company. This Policy does not apply to such third parties and the Company shall not bear any responsibility in a any manner whatsoever regarding the disclosure of information to the Company by third parties. Before using third-party accounts to use the Services, please read the privacy policies of such third parties.

3. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

  • To provide the Services
  • To register accounts
  • To provide campaigns via social media that relate to the Services
  • To support users
  • To find improper uses of the Services
  • To introduce events, campaigns, surveys, new types of services, etc.
  • To engage in marketing activities
  • To improve the Services and other services that the Company operates (including but not limited to planning, researching and developing new products and services)
  • To disclose to third parties in accordance with the methods set forth in this Policy

Other than for the purposes set forth above, the Company may obtain anonymized information of users or information that is processed in a way so that users are not able to be identified. In such cases, the Company may use such information without the consent of a user for purposes that are permitted by laws and regulations.

Also, the Company shall collect and use personal information for services related to the above items as they may be provided by the Company’s parent company, COVER Corporation.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide or disclose the personal information of users to third parties except for the following circumstances.

  1. After obtaining the consent of the user, himself or herself
  2. When providing information to a contractor of the Company (that is required to enter into a non-disclosure agreement with the Company) for the purpose of providing the Services to users (e.g. providing delivery vendors with users’ addresses). (These vendors may not use information beyond the necessary scope of the services they provide to the Company.)
  3. When required by laws and regulations
  4. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or assets of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual at issue
  5. When it is especially necessary to improve public health, and foster the healthy development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of an individual at issue
  6. When it is necessary to cooperate with national government agencies, local municipalities or individuals who are provided the proper authority by such agencies to carry out government duties, and when it is difficult for the Company to cooperate with the foregoing parties to obtain the consent of an individual at issue
  7. When otherwise recognized by laws and regulations

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company will be jointly using personal information as set forth below with its parent company, COVER Corporation.

  1. Items of Personal Information that will be jointly used.

The information that is set forth in “2. Information that is to be Obtained”

  1. Purposes of use of personal information that is to be jointly used.

The purposes set forth in “3. Purposes of Use of Personal Information”

  1. Identity of the Joint Users

The Company and its parent company, COVER Corporation

  1. Responsible party for managing jointly used personal information 

The Company (Sumitomo Tokyo Mita Garden Tower, 3-5-19 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Taro Kamochi)

6. Period of Retaining Personal Information

After the purpose of use of the personal information of users has been fulfilled (including but not limited to the termination of the Services), the Company shall promptly delete, destroy or irreversibly anonymize such information by an appropriate method.

7. Rights of Users related to Personal Information

Users have the right to request to have their own personal information that they provided to the Company, or that was provided or recorded by a third party, revealed, modified, no longer used or deleted. However, under certain circumstances, the Company shall be able to deny all or part of a user’s requests.

In order to make such requests, please contact us by the method indicated at the bottom of this Policy.

8. Securing the Safety of Personal Information

The Company shall handle the personal information of users carefully and shall implement reasonable security measures to protect such information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, including the use of physical, technical and other procedural preventative measures. If users would like to know the details of the security management measures that the Company takes, please contact us by the method indicated at the bottom of this Policy.

9. Requesting Matters related to Personal Information

If the user desires to know what the purpose of use of his or her personal information is or to have such information revealed, modified, no longer used, deleted, etc., please contact us as set forth below in Section 10. The Company shall promptly respond to the user’s request based on laws and regulations as well as procedures designated by the Company.

10. This Policy is Governed by Japanese Law

This Policy is governed by Japanese law without regard for conflict of law principles. It is targeted to users that reside in Japan but also applies to users overseas to the extent permitted by applicable laws. Please also note that we have a separate privacy policy for users who reside in the United States.

11. Point of Contact relating to the Handling of Obtained Information

Please use the following form to send requests related to this policy and the use of information that is collected based on this policy.

CCMC Corporation


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